ServoyWorld on Tour 2009
In previous years, you came from everywhere to attend ServoyWorld. This year, due to the decreased travel and expense budgets many of you are experiencing, ServoyWorld is coming to you — FREE!
Servoy is pleased to announce a free one-day ServoyWorld event — to be held in cities all over the world. Attendees will get an extensive overview of the upcoming Servoy 5.0 release; as well as an update of what else is happening in the world of Servoy.
Here is the ServoyWorld on Tour 2009 schedule:
- September 29: Sao Paulo, Brazil
- September 30: Buenos Aires, Argentina
- October 1: Montevideo, Uruguay
- October 2: Santiago, Chile
- October 5: New York, USA
- October 9: Los Angeles, USA
- October 13: Yangon, Myanmar
- October 28: Madrid, Spain
- October 29: Barcelona, Spain
- November 12: Den Ham, The Netherlands
(combined with ServoyCamp)
To register for ServoyWorld on Tour 2009, click here.
The end
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