ServoyWorld Sponsoring Opportunities – Promote Your Product or Service
October 12, 2010
1 minutes read
Do not miss the chance to promote your product or service at ServoyWorld 2011. ServoyWorld gives you the opportunity to sell products you might have developed (plug-ins, generic applications, training materials, books, etc.) and the chance to gain new customers (Many of Servoy’s large, corporate customers will be attending ServoyWorld). So you should think about having a vendor booth; hosting a vendor session; or perhaps even a Gold or Platinum level sponsorship! This is a great time to establish yourself as a premier Servoy developer or consultant, so get in early.
For more information and to request a sponsorship contract, please contact Carla Benassi via email or by phone:(805) 624-4959 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (805) 624-4959 end_of_the_skype_highlighting x807 (USA & Canada); or Ron van der Burg via email or by phone: +31 33 455 9877 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +31 33 455 9877 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (International).
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