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Deploy, Relax, Repeat: leave the server tech to us

ServoyCloud allows you to deploy faster with maximized security and 99,9% uptime. Achieve peace of mind with a secure, cost-effective and fully managed Cloud.

Trusted by our customers
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Servoy with Opsurance

All DevOps, security, hosting and app management in a single package — Servoy Opsurance.

No more extra costs, but extra saved time
Build more critical apps with Opsurance and do releases 10X faster.
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Bulletproof security and unmatched power

Deploy secure, 100% compliant applications with confidence.

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All environments and applications in one place

Connect all environments, users, data and hardware on a robust cloud platform.

Key tools and features

Enable full focus on building and delivering mission-critical applications with the power of Servoy Cloud.


Configure Build Automation Pipelines

 Easy interface to manage all your applications and build automation
 Build on-commit or on-demand
 Manage source, dependencies and configurations with ease
 Auto-deploy to QA, Acceptance and full production environments


SvyCloud GIFs - Configure build automation

Test Automation: View Quality Control Reports

 Easily click together your application testing requirements
 Test automation integrated into delivery pipelines
 Inspect complete QA reports with every build/commit

SvyCloud GIFs - View Quality Reports

Manage Application Security

 Manage Users & Authentication
 Grant Roles & Permissions
 History, Audit log & Cyber Features

SvyCloud GIFs - Manage Security

Deploy environments for dev, test and production

 High-availability, scalable pods
 Secure, ISO 27001 certified
 Continuously monitored, continuously patched
 Application analytics and insights

SvyCloud GIFs - Monitor Environments

ServoyAI Query Optimizer

 Control over all executed queries
  Servoy AI to help you analyze a query
 Not performing query highlight
 Generate full feedback about a selected non-performing query


Code Errors highlighting and enhanced logs

 Log Activity page lists all the log outputs for your application
  Easy identification of any issues with a file location provided
 GIT integration

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Got questions?

Click here and jump to the ServoyCloud FAQ!


Why Servoy Cloud?

Compare Servoy Cloud with other cloud solutions like AWS or hosting and application management on-premises.

Lower DevOps costs

Maximum deployment velocity, 99,9% uptime

Enhanced security arrangements applied

Minimized risks associated with on-premise or alternative cloud hosting

Namespace (free trial) and Cloud readiness audit

Tailored support of Servoy's experts 24/7

Amazon Web Services, etc.
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Harold Timmer // Owner and CEO at Newbase

"Moving to ServoyCloud has been a game-changer for our business software company. Handling both development and operations, meeting our customers' high demands efficiently seemed impossible. But now, thanks to ServoyCloud, we tackle it all together with ease. In the SaaS ERP segment, our expertise coupled with ServoyCloud makes a valuable difference for us and our clients. Managing everything has never been smoother."


Got another question? Get in touch with us.
How much will it cost?

The monthly package starts at $1000. The cost varies depending on the number of users, SLA, applications, and data usage. We charge a specific amount per tier, ensuring flexible pricing tailored to your needs.

Can I use ServoyCloud without Servoy Developer (IDE)?
What are the benefits of switching to ServoyCloud as a business software company?
Our company has DevOps and dedicated operational teams. Will it be better if we switch to ServoyCloud?
How do I switch to ServoyCloud?
How do I switch from my current provider to ServoyCloud?
How do I switch from on-premise to ServoyCloud?
How long will it take me to switch to ServoyCLoud?
What is Namespace (free trial)?
What is Cloud Readiness Audit?
What does Opsurance mean?
What about ServoyCloud Support?
Is ServoyCloud ISO compliant?
What about customer support?

Not a Servoy Customer yet?

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