ServoyWorld 2011: Recap and Feedback
February 10, 2011
1 minutes read
The sixth annual ServoyWorld Conference — with an even larger attendance — finished on February 5. Overall, favorite sessions included: Pre and Post Conference Training classes; as well as the technical sessions presented during the 4-day Conference. According to the Post Conference survey, the most popular events of the Conference were the Preview of Servoy 6.0, followed by networking with other attendees between Conference sessions; the exhibitor tables in the central hall; the comraderie at the bar after hours; and, of course, the ServoyWorld Awards. To view the complete list of ServoyWorld 2011 Award winners, click here; to see the winners of the new Servoy Valued Professional award click here. The Conference Outing this year was an enjoyable and exciting night of competitive kart racing. Check out the ServoyWorld Outing Pictures posted on the Servoy Forum.
We would like to thank all of the Conference sponsors, vendors and attendees who helped to make ServoyWorld 2011 such a great success. If you have not done so already, please do fill out a short survey on this year’s ServoyWorld Conference. Your feedback is largely responsible for what made ServoyWorld 2011 so successful, and is very important for making next year’s Conference even better. We look forward to seeing all of you at ServoyWorld 2012!
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