
Servoy 4.1: Have your own ! - Servoy

Written by Ron van der Burg | Sep 11, 2008 7:42:15 PM

At ServoyWorld last week we announced (and did a demo: it’s not vaporware) our upcoming Servoy 4.1 platform upgrade. Although the number indicates a minor upgrade it actually is a major feature release for ISV’s! Why? Because Servoy 4.1 allows you to roll your own platform: you can be your own Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider! What does it mean?

With 4.1 you can allow both your end-users and third party developers to develop and deploy applications (user interfaces, data and logic) right inside your own application. With 4.1 – we’ve made PaaS even more appealing: 4.1 is more powerful than, 4.1 is easier to setup and there is no hosting lock-in as with You can even run the same application as an on Premises app, as well as client/server (over the Internet) all from the same single code base.

In Tech-Speak: In 4.1 we allow you to create objects (any type) on-the-fly, bind them to data and present them to a user. You can do this both with our Smart Client and with our Web Client, again from the same code-base! This is really revolutionary – as this is one of the first products that allows you to create, instantiate and bind data objects on the fly at runtime (even in a browser!).

We’re going to release this version later this year – and we’ll have it in public beta for you to try out in the next couple of months. If you’re an ISV and would like to have a demo right now let us know (sales AT servoy DOT com) and we’ll setup a webinar for you.